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We offer a free book listing for our We Write & Live the South™. To qualify for a free listing books must be written by an author residing in the south and about the south, published in the last 12 months, or have an upcoming publication date in 2020 and beyond. 

By sending your information to us: you have the right to authorize us to publish the book cover or art and information you are sending; you are the author and/or you authorize or have your publishers' permission to allow us to publish the information you are sending; you agree to allow us to promote you, your book title, information you supply publish your listing on our sites, and networked sites, our social media (if we choose to), archive this information, and agree that we may retain our articles (blog posts, pages) to use on this site or other sites we own, in perpetuity.

We do not accept erotica or books that are considered illegal, promote hate, bullying. We have the right to refuse all free listings without further explanation. We reserve the right to remove listings at any time without further notice. 

You may link to our articles, and copy the first few paragraphs of any interviews with a link back to our articles, and with our credits to our site without further permission. 

Copy and paste the following 12 items into our Contact Form below. *We don't charge you to list this information.

1. Author Name(s): 

2. Title:

3. Publication Date:

4. Publisher (if you're a self publishing/indie author, use your name or publishing company name):

5. Genre: (Action/Adventure, History, Mystery) 

6. Intended Ages: (Children's, Young Readers, Middle Grade, YA, Adult

7. Is your book Christian or Secular?:

8. Will your book *permanently* cost under $3? If so, do you want us to list it in our  Bargain Books Under $3 Dollars?:  

9. Format: (audio, ebook, paperback, hardback):

10. Do you want us to interview you about your book?

11. Please send us your book cover to:

12. Cover Blurb

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